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Does hospice mean giving up hope?

What is hospice?

Hospice is a special concept of care designed to provide comfort and support to patients and their families when a life-limiting illness no longer responds to cure-oriented treatments. Hospice care neither prolongs life nor hastens death. The goal of hospice care is to improve the quality of patients’ last days by offering comfort and dignity. Hospice addresses all symptoms of their disease, with a special emphasis on controlling the patient’s pain and discomfort. Hospice deals with the emotional, social and spiritual impact of the disease, not only with the patient but their family and friends as well.

Many of us wonder whether choosing hospice care means that we are giving up hope. We may be concerned that comfort-care means choosing death, but rather hospice care is living life to the fullest. Hospice patients have already been through turmoil, distress and agony. With multiple hospital admissions, chemotherapy, radiation and invasive tests, these treatments can leave patients feeling impaired and exhausted. By choosing hospice, they have decided to focus on quality of life, rather than quantity.
Quality_v._Quantity_Hospice_640x426Time is of the essence. Many patients who have chosen hospice care can now use their time to take family vacations, enjoy the company of loved ones, and travel to places they’ve always wanted to see and enjoy. Our patients and families no longer have to worry about their time being consumed by medical appointments and hospital stays.

Hospice can fulfill many aspects of a person’s being—medically, socially and spiritually. Hospice holistic approach helps develop and heal our spirit from the inside out, and it gives everyone piece of mind, including the CIMA family. We provide chaplains, counseling, and bereavement services to educate and support families throughout this emotional time, helping them cope and grieve through life’s journey.

November is National Hospice and Palliative Care Month. We emphasize the importance of quality end-of-life care, regardless of age, diagnoses and place of residency. CIMA Hospice of San Antonio is a local company that provides comfort-care for patients and their families, as well as providing support, resources and bereavement services to the family.

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